Allplan 2021

Important new features in Allplan 2021

Unlock the power of performance - Allplan 2021

Allplan 2021 is the ultimate BIM solution to meet the challenges of the construction industry and benefit from the digital transformation. BIM software and ALLPLAN's industry-leading collaboration tools and integration tools form the ideal combination. Allplan 2021 offers groundbreaking technology for optimum performance: You can work on larger and more complex projects easier, faster, and with more fun than ever before, even with challenging geometry, high levels of detail, and numerous associations. ALLPLAN's cloud technology enables you to connect with the entire construction industry, use efficient workflows, and take full advantage of BIM.

System requirements

  • The recommended operating system is Windows 10 Version 1909.
  • Allplan 2021 no longer runs on Windows 7.
  • A message informs you of an inadequate operating system.
  • Intel processor or compatible with AVX support
  • Recommended: Vulkan 1.1 or OpenGL 4.5-compatible graphics card with 8 GB of RAM; use a certified graphics card:


  • When you run Setup, you can select additional countries.

Data format

  • Allplan 2021 uses the same data format as Allplan 2020. We strongly recommend that you use the same Allplan version for working in a workgroup and on Allplan Share projects.
  • Don’t mix computers running Allplan 2020 and Allplan 2021 in a workgroup environment.

Complex projects - performance and scalability

Associative framework

  • The associative framework manages all associations in a project, such as associative labels, dimensions, legends, views, and sections. Therefore, enhancements affect all projects that include associations, applying to everything that you do with objects in the project, such as creating, copying, moving, deleting, and so on.
  • You can undo and redo changes more quickly.
  • Associations will be computed and updated more quickly.
  • You can associatively dimension finish specifications in sections. Allplan detects finish specifications of rooms, ceilings, floors, and stories. You can snap points (starting point, end point, midpoint) of finish specifications in sections.

Drawing files

  • You can open more drawing files for the model and for views and sections. Instead of 128 drawing files, 1024 drawing files can be open at the same time.
  • The maximum document size is 2,048 MB. The default setting is 512 MB.

Accelerated hidden-line images of views and sections

  • As vector-based hidden-line images of complex models require more computing time,
  • Allplan initially creates quick, pixel-based hidden-line images when you place views and sections in the workspace. The data will be computed by the processor and the graphics card.
  • Accelerated hidden-line images might look different from vector-based hidden-line images.
  • While Allplan is computing the vector-based hidden-line image in the background, you can create dimensions and labels.

Accelerated switching to layout editor

  • Layout editor immediately opens the data. Depending on the data, computation is considerably faster.

More new features

  • We enhanced finish specifications, vertical surfaces, and the quality of the architectural model.
  • Architectural models will be loaded and updated more quickly.
  • Polygonal sections will be processed more quickly in views and sections.
  • You can snap points in rooms and layers of finish specifications in models, views, and sections.
  • Associative legends and reports will be computed more quickly.
  • You can snap points and benefit from a faster selection preview for general 3D objects (freeform objects) as wireframe models and in viewports of the animation view type.
  • Rooms and finish specifications under freeform reference surfaces will correctly be displayed and computed; point snap and selection preview are available for layers of finish specifications.
  • You can create finish specifications with no thickness.
  • You can edit complex floor slabs and upper slabs more quickly.
  • When you change complex floor slabs or upper slabs, Allplan updates the adjoining components only when this is necessary.
    Tip: Split complex slabs or components to accelerate updates.
  • You can edit and update all components more quickly; for example, change the height settings.
  • The Open on a project-specific basis - Building structure dialog box opens faster.
  • We enhanced the performance and resolution for creating hidden-line images of 3D objects (freeform objects).
  • You can select complex, high-resolution objects more quickly.

User interface, usability

Properties palette

We are working on moving all properties from the dialog boxes for defining and modifying objects to the Properties palette.

  • Attributes that cannot be changed are visible in the Properties palette.
  • New Style function (only for walls for the time being) with a brush icon
  • You can see a preview of the wall structure in the Properties palette; you can change the wall axis by means of drag-and-drop editing.
  • You can define and change attributes for user-defined architectural elements, converted user-defined architectural elements, and element groups.

Objects palette

  • Elements in drawing files can be moved more quickly while the Objects palette is open.
  • When working on complex projects, you can cancel the selection of objects much more quickly by means of the Objects palette.
  • You can select empty drawing files in the Objects palette. For example, this is useful when you want to move objects to another drawing file.
  • Sort by attribute: If the Sort by attribute criterion comes first, you can see the total wall plus the wall layers.
  • You can sort walls by the style name attribute. In this case, you can see only the total wall.
  • You can turn the transparency of SmartParts and PythonParts manually on and off. This means that you can switch between a transparency of 0% and 100%. You can select different degrees of transparency for surfaces. These settings apply to the animation view type only.

Planes palette

  • Offset planes, roofscapes, and reference surfaces will be sorted by absolute height.


  • Enhanced Actionbar Configurator
  • Actionbar Configurator and Shortcut Configurator show all tools of all task areas.

More new features

  • Show/Hide provides the Restore basic settings option.

BIM workflow


  • Issue Manager replaces Task Board. In addition to the familiar tools, Issue Manager provides advanced functionality.
  • You can find the new BIM Explorer tool in the Bimplus task area.
    Use this tool to start BIM Explorer (with all its tools) in a separate window directly from Allplan; you can continue to work in Allplan.

Data exchange, interfaces

Enhanced user interface for UTM coordinate transformation

  • New Advanced selection option for UTM coordinate transformation (expert mode)
  • You can select any NTv2 files and define the source system and destination system for coordinate transformation. Thus, you can use coordinate transformation on an international basis.


  • The Project attributes - Custom Classification attribute group provides various attributes. When you use these attributes, IFC export takes the IfcClassification from the project attributes.
  • IFC export of reinforcement transfers additional quantities: The AllplanQuantities PSet includes BarLength, BarLengthTotal, BarWeightTotal, and BarDistance.
  • IFC export transfers three-dimensional axis grids with planes in the z-direction as three-dimensional elements to IFC.
  • For IFC export of 3D models, you can decide whether you want to transfer the models as extrusion models, surface models (BRep), or both.
  • IFC import of BRep models (surface models) is faster, and assignment to Allplan objects is better.

More new features

  • Allplan supports the SketchUp 2020 format for both import and export. You can import files by using the drag-and-drop feature.
  • You can find the new Settings tool for configuring Scalypso on the Actionbar. Specify the installation path of Scalypso and define whether you want to display the meshes as surfaces or lines.


Style (only for walls for the time being)

  • New Style function with a brush icon
  • A style is like a wall favorite; however, the style will be saved with the object. When you assign a different style, the object changes.
  • To create a style, define the required parameters in the Properties dialog box of the wall. Use Save as a style to save the style (icon with a brush at the bottom of the dialog box) in the required path (Office, Project, or Private). The file format for wall styles is *.WASTYLE.
  • A style behaves like a resource (for example, hatching).
  • The Properties palette displays the style of the selected wall.
  • When you assign a different style, you can select several walls.
  • You can change the parameters of a wall with a style; changes are indicated by an asterisk preceding the style name.
  • You can turn off a style without changing the properties of the wall.
  • The Properties palette displays the wall structure as a preview. You can change the wall axis irrespective of the style; you cannot change the layer thickness in the Properties palette.
  • Styles used in the project will be saved in the project.
  • When you select a style from another path, Allplan replicates the style - like textures - to the project.
  • Styles are part of the project backup or of a project template created from the project backup.
  • To use style files (*.WASTYLE) in other projects, you can manually copy the files to the other project.


  • The wall preview displays surface elements (hatching, pattern, fill).
  • It’s now easier to enter straight walls, curved walls, polygonal walls, entity-based walls, and spline-based walls: Entering these wall types works just like entering 2D lines, 2D circles, and 2D splines.
  • When creating a spline-based wall, you can create connections in the starting point and end point.

Other components

  • You can use the new Delete Outline of Roof Surface tool (on the direct object modification toolbar) to remove an outline of a roof surface that consists of several outlines.
  • When you use the Recess, Opening in Slab tool to create a round opening, you can now define the Segments in circle by entering a number between 20 and 40.


Associative legends

  • There is a new check box for turning the associativity on and off.
  • You can simultaneously edit several legends.
  • The scale of the legend does not change when you update the legend.
  • You can use certain legends for both metric units and feet and inches (fractions are also possible for lengths).
  • When placing associative legends, you can use a drawing file filter and layer filter to specify which drawing files and layers you want to analyze.


  • Copy Along Any Path comes with a simplified preview for architectural objects.
  • Extrude Along Path -  Default rotation mode was extended with new option to prevent lateral rotation of profile. This guarantees that results from Extrude along path will match results from Copy along any path with default rotation.


  • The render engine is up to date: Earlier versions used CineRender R20; Allplan 2021 renders with Cineware R22.

  • You can use the new SketchUp formats 2019 and 2020 when you Import SketchUp Data and Export SketchUp Data. Import automatically detects the format; you can select the format for export.

  • We enhanced the default surfaces (,,, and that are often used in animation and renderings. Consequently, their results are better with reflection, transparency, and luster. You can find these surfaces in the STD\design folder.


Updating project attributes

  • When the office standard changes, you can update attributes of existing projects and adapt these attributes to the changed office standard without overwriting project-specific attributes that you changed or added beforehand. To do this, you can use the new button for Attributes in the Project Settings.

Citing attributes

  • You can cite an existing Allplan attribute when you create a new custom attribute whose name is predefined (for example, for exchanging BIM data). The new custom attribute returns the value of the cited attribute.
  • When you create the attribute, use the Text data type and the Formula control element. Select the required Allplan attribute in the fx formula editor.

Attributes with formulas; computed attributes

  • You can now define custom attributes with formulas that return the attribute values.
  • Open the Define new attribute dialog box (for example, by using Assign Attributes or Modify Attributes) and select the Text data type and the new Formula control element.
  • Select fx to open the Formula editor and enter the formula; syntax errors are indicated by symbols. 
    Note: Do not use PARENT() or CHILD() in conjunction with formulas; this has not yet been implemented yet.
  • Define the formula as you would define a formula for a label style.

<undefined> attribute value

  • You can use the <undefined> attribute value when you want to define the value later.
  • Open a list of all attributes of an object. For example, you see such a list when you assign or modify attributes in the Properties palette or Modify Attributes dialog box.
  • Right-click an attribute name and select Set to <undefined> on the shortcut menu.
  • To do this, open the shortcut menu of the attribute name and select Set to <undefined>.
  • This also works for attribute values that you define by selecting check boxes: The check boxes are filled or grayed out.
  • IFC export ignores attributes of the <undefined> status.

More new features

  • You can use the new density attribute (18192) to compute the weights of components.
  • We renamed the roll attribute (18180) in the general attribute group object roll.

Structural framing

  • When you mirror a structural framing beam, the resulting geometry, position, and distance to the reference point are correct.
  • Reports correctly output the names and areas of any profiles.
  • Gridlines are visible in the x-direction and y-direction in horizontal sections; you can remove or add any gridlines.
  • You can use Stretch Entities to change the lengths of gridlines in vertical sections and horizontal sections; changing the parameters of View or Grid does not affect the changed lengths.

  • You can apply the Explode Axis Grid tool also to axis grids of the new type; this results in 2D lines and texts.

  • ToolTips display the names of the axes. This is useful when you have zoomed in on axes.

  • You can edit the heights of several objects in one go.
  • You can edit the anchor points and distances of several structural framing beams or structural framing columns in one go.
  • When you make multiple modifications, you can match parameters and load a favorite.
  • You can create structural framing objects in Visual Scripting.
  • We have further developed structural framing objects as PythonParts.
  • You can define the anchor points and distances of structural framing columns created as PythonParts or in Visual Scripting.

Reinforcement, reinforcement drawings (reinforcement detailing)

New tool: move linked

Move Linked moves (reinforcement) views and sections and their model data to, for example, the next floor; the position relative to each other does not change.

  • Due to the algorithm of Move Linked, the position of views and sections relative to the linked model data does not change even if you use symbols or the clipboard.

Two new tools: split bars and join bars

  • You can edit as many placements as you want in one go.
  • You have various options to join bars.

More new features

  • You can apply the Fold Line tool to area reinforcement.
  • You can define the tolerance when you Rearrange Marks.
  • Views and sections correctly display bars shortened due to the rounding of acute angles.
  • When you work with the Extrude Bars Along Path and Sweep Bars Along Path tools, it takes only one click to select path elements with the same group number. You can define an edge offset as you would for a linear placement. We optimized creation of reinforcement in the regions. You can enter negative values for concrete cover and projection.
  • Couplers: End plate anchorages can be rotated and placed correctly.
  • Steel legends output lengths and masses depending on the selected unit of length.
  • Steel legends consider reinforcement placed as an advanced XRef.
  • The drawing file filter in associative steel legends does not depend on the drawing file status.
  • When you move or copy drawing files with associative steel legends, Allplan automatically adjusts the drawing file filter.

Enhanced performance for views and sections

  • Surfaces will be computed more quickly.
  • Views and sections will be updated only if this is necessary.
  • Invisible fixtures in views and sections
  • You can create several layout windows from the same layout more quickly.
  • You can place sections more quickly.

More enhancements

  • You can create sections with no depth.
  • Allplan supports point snap and selection preview for general 3D objects in sections.
  • We enhanced working in sections without linked models.

Displaying sections based on the US standard

  • You can select the standard and enter the parameters by means of Representation - Set.
  • Switch to the US standard in the Style area at the top of the palette; enter the fileset number (text) in the box below.
  • Go to the Direction symbol area and define the direction symbol side (to the left or right of the section direction) and size of the direction symbol.
  • Enter the clipping path as usual. Select Esc to place the new direction symbol and define the section depth.
  • When you place the section, Allplan automatically labels it based on the US standard.

Allplan Share

  • You can open and close projects, drawing files, and layout editor more quickly.
  • When you select the project, you can see the project’s Allplan version.

Visual scripting

  • Enhanced workspace: You can place nodes wherever you want. You can use the zoom tools to, for example, zoom in on the active node.
  • Enhanced visual feedback for intermediate steps: The preview displays the effect or calculation result of the active node in green.
  • Output window for warnings and messages
  • New nodes will continuously be added to the library.
  • Double-clicking in the workspace opens the Quick Insert input type.

Allplan Bridge

We updated the Allplan Bridge plug-in. Details

Allplan International

Feet, inches

  • More attributes are available.
  • More reports were adjusted.

Localization for the US

  • Reinforcing bar labels with the “mark number” attribute
  • Mark labels with varying numbers of leading zeros
  • Additional attributes for ACI bar lengths

Localization and adjustments for Canada

  • US layout with metric lengths

Allplan Quality Manager

With Allplan Quality Manager, you can support the development of Allplan. If something does not run smoothly, Allplan Quality Manager returns professional messages. By sending the message and procedure back to us, you help our development teams to get rid of these problems.

You can turn on Allplan Quality Manager in the beta versions and release versions of Allplan. To do this, open the Services application and select Service - Allplan Diagnostics - Allplan Quality Manager tab.

Allplan Diagnostics

  • Allplan Share Performance Test returns the results in Mbps and in color.
  • A legend helps you quickly assess the measured values.