Hotfix Allplan 2023-1-6

Release notes (25/10/2023)


Thanks to several edits and corrected messages in the Quality Reporter, Allplan now is even more stable.



We have now added the 'IFC Data Preparation' function to the 'Data exchange' task area of the 'Road construction' role.


IFC Interface

We have improved the export of round slab openings generated using the 'Creating slab openings' function.


Users can now correctly transfer custom entries for the trade when exporting to Excel.

We’ve optimized the loading of formula attributes in the object palette, which is now much faster.

In certain cases, exporting attributes to Excel caused the program to crash; this has now been fixed.


After meshing a terrain point in an existing DTM and optimizing the triangular grid, switching drawing file deleted the drawing file contents; this has now been fixed.


Bar reinforcement

We’ve optimized the dimensions of inclined bar segments in reports.

Allplan Bridge

We have updated the 'Allplan Bridge' plug-in. Details

Allplan International

Certain reports remain empty due to a localization error; this has now been fixed.