Hotfix ALLPLAN 2020-0-2

Release Notes


We edited and corrected various messages of Quality Reporter. As a result, ALLPLAN is more stable and reliable.

ALLPLAN runs faster due to various means.

After you changed the document size to 2048 MB, you might have had problems opening a drawing file. We solved this problem.

You can use ALLPLAN Exchange to exchange layouts online when the document size (“docsize” hotline tool) is 2,048 MB.

Hotfix setup

In certain cases, ALLPLAN downloaded a hotfix but failed to install it automatically. We solved this problem; the solution will take effect with the next hotfix 2020-0-3.

Basic features

Drawing files

When you have chosen to automatically save drawing files and layouts every n minutes (“save every n min” option in the “options - desktop environment”), ALLPLAN saves the association files too.

Building structure

When you deleted a building structure, ALLPLAN displayed a warning before deleting not only all objects derived and plane models from the project but also the layout structure. Now the layout structure remains unchanged.

Layout editor

You can use the clipboard to copy and paste objects of a layout even after you have restarted ALLPLAN.

Print preview and PDF export display reinforcement and fills in the correct order.

ALLPLAN exports certain OLE objects in a drawing file or layout correctly to PDF format.

When you switch a layout from “print view” to “design view”, “Show/Hide” might automatically turn off the “content of layout element” option. As a result, DWG files of exported layouts might be incomplete. On startup, ALLPLAN now automatically turns on the “content of layout element” option.

User interface

When you change the reference scale, ALLPLAN saves the new reference scale even when you do not change anything else in the drawing file.

Objects palette

Some objects can only be visible or not. So, it does not make sense to define the transparency as a percentage. Consequently, objects that you create with the “Stair Modeler” no longer have icons for defining the transparency.

Keyboard shortcuts

The table of shortcut keys, which you can access from the Help menu, lists all keyboard shortcuts and functions assigned.

User-defined objects, libraries


Various PythonParts are easier to program and use.

You can distort PythonParts that were created with the “distortable” property (distorsion_state=true). After having distorted the PythonPart, double-click it so that it assumes the new values.

We enhanced the calculation of mesh lengths for PythonParts.

We corrected the ScalableTableChairGroup.pyp PythonPart, which comes with the program as a sample application. The table height is now 0.8 m.

The following PythonParts work correctly with mesh reinforcement: edge reinforcement expanding, geometry of straight stair, enclosed reinforcement expanding, and wall corner expanding.

Report designer

You can insert a table into a report that you create with ALLPLAN Report Designer.



We enhanced import of attributes from Bimplus.

You can copy and upload a local project to Bimplus; locking info is correct.

In certain cases, it was not possible to copy a local project to Bimplus; the “project is in use” message appeared. We solved this problem.

If drawing files are not uploaded (completely) when you close a project, you will see a message the next time you open the project, and you can upload the data again. The message no longer appears after you have uploaded the data successfully.

When you use the “Save” tool to save drawing files or layouts in a Share project, these drawing files or layouts will be uploaded automatically.

You can edit an “empty” building structure with 10 drawing files that you create manually in an ALLPLAN Share project.

We enhanced versioning of drawing files when you edit, save, and upload them.

We enhanced creation of revision data when you upload data to Bimplus.

When you download drawing files that are linked with drawing files that contain XRefs, ALLPLAN also downloads and displays the source drawing files used as XRefs.

When you use the “Copy, Move Elements between Documents” tool to copy a layout to another layout, ALLPLAN updates the new layout, uploading it to the server.

The “Layout Window” tool - “... place drawing files as layout elements” works correctly when you assemble layouts in ALLPLAN Share projects.

Workgroup manager

Since ALLPLAN 2019, the setting for “enter lengths in” (“options - desktop environment - general”) has been saved in the project. If some users defined different settings for the “enter lengths in” option, ALLPLAN saved the setting of the last project editor in the project, using this setting the next time any user opened the project. Now the “enter lengths in” option is a user-specific setting again, as usual in ALLPLAN 2018 and earlier.

When a user assigns drawing files to the building structure immediately after another user has assigned drawing files to the building structure, the list of available drawing files contains only drawing files that have not been assigned yet.

When you select drawing files in a workgroup project, ALLPLAN marks the drawing files that are locked by other users in the building structure even when you load a selection that you saved as a favorite beforehand.


Export of certain data to STL format works just like in earlier versions.


When you switch projects, ALLPLAN updates the linked Bimplus project; you do not need to sign in via the “Task Board” palette again.


Dimension line

Associative dimension lines behave correctly when you edit dimensioned objects by means of the “Cut with Area” and “Cut with Element” tools.

When you extrude a 3D solid that is dimensioned associatively, the dimension line changes accordingly.

You can “Copy” elements and objects together with their associative dimension lines without problems. The preview of the next copy, which is attached to the crosshairs, contains the correct number of dimension lines.

The associative dimensioning of a roof covering remains unchanged when you insert a skylight into the roof covering or change the number of construction layers.



Surface objects (like “Vertical Surface”, “Floor”, or “Path”) whose heights are linked with a floor level in the plane model adapt automatically when you change the floor level.


When you copy a component together with its roof surface, which defines the height of the component, the copied component takes its height automatically from the copied roof surface.


Openings in slabs or slab foundations whose heights are linked with a floor level in the plane model or a reference surface do not change in height when you resize the openings.


The “Room schedule.rdlc” report longer displays contents of an active wizard.

When you assign new attributes to a room, ALLPLAN automatically selects the check box of the attribute, regardless of whether you assign the attribute by selecting “Assign new attribute” on the shortcut menu of the room or by double-clicking the room and clicking the “Attributes...” button in the “Room” dialog box.

Stair modeler

When you work with the Actionbar configuration, you can open the Help straight from the “Stair Modeler” tool without problems.


When you assign new attributes by clicking “+” in the Properties palette, only the selected object or wall layer gets the attribute even when several objects are selected or the wall has several construction layers.


The “Doors (for transfer of all attributes).rdlc”, “Doors (for complete transfer).rdlc” and “Doors (for brief transfer).rdlc” reports no longer create new attributes when you reimport the data to ALLPLAN.

The “Structural framing - Imperial steel BOM.rdlc” report lists the sum and total sum of the surface area in square feet.


You can change the height of an extruded box by using direct object modification and entering the value.

Structural framing

The “Restore 3D View” tool works correctly with certain beams and columns.


Bar reinforcement

In certain cases, ALLPLAN displayed a message when you selected and placed bars that you had already placed. We solved this problem.

You use the “Dimension Line, Label” tool to dimension bars that you have already placed. In doing so, you display the number of pieces and apply a label that consists of a two-line, custom text. When you change the label, the number of pieces remains unchanged in the dimension line.

When you use the “Modify Mark” tool to change the bar diameter of a placement, ALLPLAN updates the schema accordingly.

S-hooks created with “Bar Shape” can be placed in sections again.

The “Place Bar Shape” tool is faster when you place by spacing.

You can place bars in a bar-based manner without problems when you select the “Place Bar Shape” tool on the shortcut menu; the bars are visible in the reinforcement model.

When you change the spacing in a view or section by using “Modify Placement” or the “Properties” palette, the “from layer” format properties remain unchanged.

When you place associative legends in drawing files with views and sections, reinforcement, and associative dimensioning, the positions of the dimension lines remain unchanged.

ALLPLAN places legends correctly even when the “associative legend of active document” option is not selected.

When the 3D data of the general arrangement, the views and sections, and the reinforcement model are in different drawing files, ALLPLAN no longer displays a message when you place reinforcement in the general arrangement or in a bar-based manner several times.

Mesh reinforcement

You can use the “Copy, Move Elements between Documents” tool to copy span placements of meshes to another drawing file.

Legends and reports list meshes always with their correct lengths. When you modify the placement, ALLPLAN analyzes the meshes correctly.


We updated the ALLPLAN Bridge plug-in. We expanded and updated the technical documentation of ALLPLAN Bridge.

Visual scripting

We enhanced the user interface, program, and examples in various places.

ALLPLAN International


You can select and confirm the scale in feet and inches in layout elements and layout windows.
