Hotfix ALLPLAN 2020-0-4

Release Notes


We edited and corrected various messages of Quality Reporter. As a result, ALLPLAN is more stable and reliable.

ALLPLAN runs faster due to various means.

ALLPLAN updates association files faster.

You can use ProjectPilot to copy drawing files when the document size (“docsize” hotline tool) is 2,048 MB. A preview of the drawing file contents is available again.

The message saying that ALLPLAN has found component IDs around the maximum value no longer appears after you have corrected the data.


You can install ALLPLAN on computers running Windows 10 LSTC.

Basic features

Layout editor

Printouts no longer include reinforcement placed in a section in construction-line color when the “construction line” option is turned off in “Show/Hide”. Labels remain unchanged.

User interface

When assigning the IFC object type, you can enter new values in the drop-down list and confirm these values by selecting the Tab key or Enter key as usual.

User-defined objects, libraries


PythonParts are easier to program and use.

You can use “GetModelGeometry” to read out the geometry of ALLPLAN columns and beams.

The library contains only current PythonParts; obsolete ones were deleted. This does not change even when you update or upgrade ALLPLAN.


ALLPLAN Share, workgroup manager

We enhanced the behavior of ALLPLAN when two users try to make the same drawing file current at the same time. Only one user can make the drawing file current. The other user can make another drawing file current without seeing a message.

Workgroup manager

We enhanced the backup of local data when the connection to the data server is interrupted.

Workgroup online

When you deleted a building structure from a workgroup online project, ALLPLAN displayed a warning before deleting not only all objects derived and plane models from the project but also the layout structure. Now the layout structure remains unchanged.

When you open a workgroup online project, messages like “"ALLPLAN_BIM_BuildingStructure.xml" doesn't exist on the server and was deleted in local cache now” no longer appear when the project contains a building structure that has been downloaded.

IFC interface

When you export bridge models to IFC format, conversion to 3D works correctly even when the bridge models are divided into sections.

We enhanced IFC import and IFC export in various places:

  • IFC import includes attributes that are assigned to IFC classes (entities) and IFC types (entity types).
  • The program transfers the geometric values (BaseQuantities) of objects used in timber construction (rafters, purlins, posts, and so on) and of lintels and headers.
  • We enhanced calculations of geometric values (BaseQuantities) of certain block foundations.
  • The program transfers stories as IfcBuildingStorey (parts) with the Common PSet. If the story rooms have finish specifications, these finish specifications will be transferred as normal IfcCoverings.
  • We enhanced export of finish specifications with conditions.
  • The program transfers the gross area of finish specifications correctly to IFC.
  • The program transfers offset walls correctly to IFC4.
  • We enhanced IFC4 export of certain smart symbols.

Bimplus interface

In some cases, you could not upload a project to Bimplus by using the "Task Board" palette in ALLPLAN 2020. We solved this problem.


Dimension line

ALLPLAN updates an associative dimension line correctly when you edit it by using “Add Dim. Line Point” or “Del Dim. Line Point”, change the object dimensioned, “Undo” the change and apply the same change again.



ALLPLAN correctly updates window sill elevations in an associative dimension line when you change the floor height of the adjacent room and then undo this change.


In some cases, the drop-down list for selecting attribute values contained only the values that existed in the drawing file. Now all values are available again when you modify attributes.


The “ALLPLAN BCM” - “Quantities” report correctly analyzes window openings with facings.

Imported solids that consist of surfaces only do not have any volume even when they are converted to user-defined architectural elements. Reports correctly analyze these user-defined architectural elements, outputting zero for the volume.

You can use the “Quantity Indicator on/off” and “Update Quantity Indicator” tools again.

Views and sections

When you create a view, you can choose to display “visible edges” and “hidden edges” both in the “Formats” palette on the “Edges” tab and by clicking in the graphic in the “Generate View” palette. The resulting view is always correct, regardless of where and how you define these settings.

After you have created a section with the “update automatically” option being not selected, you modify the section object and select the “update automatically” option. You can now “Undo” these changes again.

Reinforcement that appears in color in plan view and that is also included in a view or section also appears in color in the layout.

Structural framing

The “Structural Framing Column” and “Structural Framing Beam” tools are no longer included in certain ALLPLAN packages.

Structural framing objects that are linked with custom planes do not lose this link when you back up the project or import this project backup in the Services application.


Bar reinforcement

You can copy certain placements more quickly.

Everything you create by means of the “Dimension Line, Label” tool gets the same group number. 

When you use “Place Bar Shape” and “Align” to create two bar placements in succession, ALLPLAN correctly creates the second placement within the defined placing region.

After you have created bars by means of “Bar Shape”, you can place these bars in polygon in views and sections even when the “update automatically” option is not selected.

You copy a placement across drawing files and close the original drawing file afterward. Then, you save the copied placement as a symbol. When you place this symbol, the reinforcement remains unchanged

When you change a partial schema by using “Stretch Entities”, ALLPLAN changes all bars of this placement.

An associative legend, which you updated after changing the reinforcement, displays the number of pieces and diameter correctly even when you select the “Save and Compress” tool after the change.

When you first change the reference scale and then the mark number, ALLPLAN no longer moves the segment labels of schema bars.

ALLPLAN correctly updates associative legends like “Bar schedule - bending shapes” when you change the bar diameter by means of direct object modification and then select “Save and Compress” several times in succession.

Mesh reinforcement

When you modify a section object so that the entire span placement consisting of meshes is no longer inside the section object and then “Undo” this change, ALLPLAN displays the placing polygon in the section again.


We updated the ALLPLAN Bridge plug-in.

Visual scripting

We enhanced the “AssignAreaElementsWithFile.pyp” example, which comes with ALLPLAN.

ALLPLAN International

When defining keyboard shortcuts with the new “Shortcut Configurator”, you can use country-specific special characters.

The new “Keyboard Shortcuts” dialog box works in all languages. To open this dialog box, go to the Quick Access Toolbar and select “Default Settings” - “Shortcuts”.


aSa and Soule use the same default folder, but you can change this folder at any time. The default folder is the “Releases” folder in the folder of the current project.

When labeling reinforcing bar marks, you can use the new “rebar prefix” attribute (instead of “label position”). This new attribute is part of the mark number.