You can find a more detailed description of all new features and improvements in ALLPLAN 2020 here.

Some new features in ALLPLAN 2020

This gives you an overview of important new features that have been implemented in ALLPLAN 2020.


Setup with Microsoft Installer (up-to-date, faster, more stable and reliable)

You can select a maximum document size (docsize hotline tool) of 2,048 MB. We recommend that you use this setting only with very large volumes of data and above-average hardware.

User interface, usability

Keyboard shortcuts

New dialog box for defining keyboard shortcuts; you can access this dialog box via the Default Settings - Shortcut keys.

Objects palette

New Transparency column in the Objects palette; you can use this new column to make 3D objects transparent:

  • Has an effect on viewports of the animation view type
  • Provides six levels of transparency as a percentage
  • Textures on transparent objects are not transparent!
  • Some 3D objects (for example, SmartParts, PythonParts) cannot be made transparent.

Properties palette

The total length of an element group (having two or more lines) is always correct in the Properties palette, regardless of whether you select Shared properties, Line (object) or Element group.

Quick access toolbar

The View drop-down list includes more tools: Define Grid Settings, Grid on/off and Show Coordinate System.

You can now add the Save and Upload tool to the Quick Access Toolbar. You can use this tool to save and upload the current drawing file and the drawing files that are open in edit mode or the current layout to ALLPLAN Share.

Path settings

You can define the default path for Import, export drawing files, layouts with resources in the Options - Desktop environment.

Basic features


The shortcut menu provides the Label tool for any objects without attributes.

To label such “naked” objects, you had to use workarounds in earlier versions.

  • To label these objects, right-click the object and select Label on the shortcut menu. Place the label.
  • The label displays different element properties depending on which label type you select: default labellabel styleobject label.
  • The default label displays the element type. Appropriate label styles are in progress. When you select the object label, you can choose the object details you want to display.

Axis grid

Gridlines can be added to or removed from views and sections.

You can select the starting points of gridlines; in doing so, you can define whether gridlines start at the top or bottom.

To number gridlines, you can select custom text. You can enter the text in the Axis Grid palette on the Label tab. To enter custom text for a single gridline, click the point handle and select Change axis label on the context toolbar.

New gridlines do not get labels automatically; you can add labels by selecting Change axis label.

The program displays a confirmation prompt when you are about to change the settings back to a predefined Numbering, because this will replace all changes and custom texts with the default settings.


You can assign 100 layout attributes instead of 20.

You can use more characters for the following layout attributes: Layout name (127 characters), Index note (254 characters) and Note general (> 254 characters).

Teamwork – ALLPLAN Share

New ALLPLAN Share Project Explorer

The new ALLPLAN Share Project Explorer fulfills repeated requests from our customers. For example, you can use it to add several textures to an ALLPLAN Share project.

To do this, you can use the new Manage Project Data tool.

  • ALLPLAN Share Project Explorer is a powerful tool for editing projects; therefore users need project administrator rights.
  • To open the tool, select the Ctrl key while right-clicking the required project. The user interface of this tool is in progress.
  • We strongly recommend that you use this tool sensibly.

New tool: download reference model from Bimplus

The Download Reference Model from Bimplus tool brings Bimplus and ALLPLAN Share closer together (already included in ALLPLAN 2019-0-6).

Teamwork – interfaces


Attribute assignment with a GUI

  • This functionality has already been available in the program, but you had to edit a file.
  • You can load the configuration file including user-defined attribute assignments from any path.
  • Like exchange profiles, user-defined attribute assignments can be selected in the IFC Export, Import Settings.
  • You can use an editor for assigning attributes.
  • When it comes to a BIM execution plan, you can arrange the definitions directly in the table in the editor.
  • You can load and edit existing user mapping files.

New option: transfer assigned attributes only

  • You do not need to include all ALLPLAN attributes of an object each time you transfer data; instead, you can limit the transfer to the attributes of the object that you assigned individually.

More new features for export

  • If the IfcObjectType assigned matches the native ALLPLAN element type, the program ignores the assignment, trying to transfer the element not as a BRep. This prevents loss of quality during IFC export.
  • IFC export transfers structural framing objects you create from structural framing columns and beams as objects created by extrusion.
  • IFC export transfers objects from the Landscaping and Urban Planning tasks as follows: plants, plots, and drawing symbols as IfcGeographicElement; paths as IfcCivilElement; buildings as IfcBuildingElementProxy.

More new features for import

  • You can select the new Import all components as user-defined archit. elements option if your work requires only the geometries of the components without any attributes. This option is not selected by default.

  • ALLPLAN no longer imports components grouped as an IfcElementAssembly (such as IfcReinforcingBars) as user-defined architectural elements but as an element group of original elements. When the Import all components as user-defined archit. elements option is selected, ALLPLAN transfers the grouped components as an element group of user-defined architectural elements.


You can define UTM coordinate transformation in the Settings.

  • You can choose the country, NTv2 file, source system, and destination system.
  • You can use the Change transformation direction option to turn UTM coordinates into Gauss-Krüger coordinates.
  • The ALLPLAN Setup does not contain grid files. You can load the packages via Connect.
  • This is available for importing data; export is in planning.


Current CPIXML 2017 format for export

During export, the new CPIXML 2017 format considers finish specifications with conditions.


Current SketchUp Format 2018 for import and export


New PythonParts

  • Foundation for column
  • Wall corner

PythonParts replace FF reinforcement

  • For example, an expanding beam that expands to adapt to the outline (as opposed to a normal beam).

Associative dimensioning

Creating associative dimensioning

New Associative option on the Dimension Line Context toolbar

The dimensioned points are associative in relation to the reference points.

You can modify associative dimensioning, for example, remove or add reference points.

Associative elevation dimensioning

Associative pegging out

Associative reference line dimensioning

Associative block dimension line

Associative dimensioning in views and sections

You can snap to points where gridlines intersect. When you change the grid, the program updates the dimensions automatically.

Element info lists all objects that you can use as points to be dimensioned. You can select the required object by selecting and holding the Shift key while clicking.

Opening height and sill height

When you dimension openings, the program automatically matches the opening height and sill height.

  • You can use check boxes to show and hide values.
  • You cannot change the values manually; the program takes the values from the model.
  • You can show or hide the opening height and sill height later: Double-click the dimensioned segment and select the check box in the Dimension Line dialog box.
  • When you move an opening, the dimensions move accordingly.
  • Automatic dimensions of openings consider finish specifications in neighboring rooms when the Consider floor surfaces of rooms when calculating sill height option is selected in the Options on the Dimension line page.

  • You can select the Consider floor surfaces of rooms when calculating sill height option individually for each project.



Enhancements to round columns

  • You can define more number of segments (40 instead of 20).

You can create oval and chamfered columns based on rectangular columns.

  • New fillet and chamfer options
  • For oval columns, the maximum radius of fillet is half the narrow side.
  • So, the maximum is a semicircle on the narrow side.
  • For chamfered columns, you define the length or width of the chamfer as a secant by entering the radius of fillet.


In the Options, you can define how the program rounds off results in reports.

  • Not only results for partial areas but also results for areas can be calculated from precise or displayed values.
  • Internally, the program always uses precise values for calculations.

New report: floor area (round-off value)

  • This report analyzes the new Determine results of areas from precise values or displayed values option.
  • You can define the number of decimal places in subtotals and totals (1 to 4).

The graphic in the report and the component or object in the drawing file interact in many reports:

  • Point to a graphic or the component ID of an object.
  • Click as soon as the cursor changes to a hand: The program selects and zooms in on the object in the drawing file.
  • You can do this in German reports; reports in other languages are in progress.

Report Viewer has been updated.

  • You can display information about the version of Microsoft Report Viewer and Microsoft SQL Server Type.

You can use Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition for editing and converting your own reports or customized reports in RDLC format.

Stair modeler


Defining surfaces

Vertical height for stringer

The program recalculates the rise when the number of steps changes.

You can choose a different pen for the area above the section symbol.

Undercut gets its own definition of pen, line, color.

Section lines at landings are clearly visible.

Step numbers can be entered more easily (offset, first step number can be selected).

Dimensions of support corbels are correct.

New features

You can enter the stair geometry so that it is at a certain distance from an outline.

You can add a landing to a straight stair; in doing so, you can define the number of steps after which you want to add this landing.

Optimized algorithm for spiral stairs of which the first or last step is inclined; the resulting stair is “smoother”.

New element: headroom clearance

  • You can define the necessary headroom measured vertically from the steps (important when there is not much space) on a separate tab in the palette.
  • You can define separate format properties for the headroom clearance; you can use glass to display the surface in animation.

You can change the offset to the outline by using handles (double-headed arrows); the program snaps to the outline.

Various stair shapes are predefined (straight, L-shaped, U-shaped, freeform, winding).

Regardless of where you place the stair label, you can always read it in plan. The program adjusts the text direction automatically.


New tool: roof surface

Roof surfaces instead of roof frames

You can enter format properties in the Properties palette.

Entering the outline: You can define a different offset to the outline for each side.

You can define the height settings in relation to existing reference planes, as opposed to absolute values for roof frames.

You can design an inclined roof based on angle and slope. You can define these values individually for each edge in the Properties palette.

You can define an offset to the bottom for the selected edge; you can enter a different offset for each edge.

This makes it easier to design special roof shapes such as flat roofs with small, negative angles or butterfly roofs with negative angles.

You can superimpose several roof surfaces.

You can modify several roof surfaces and objects in one go; you can use the same approach to create and edit them.

Roof covering

You can attach the roof covering to any reference planes.

The roof covering is no longer limited to 5 layers. You can define the layers in the same way as you define the layers of walls: Each layer can be given its own parameters such as trade and material.

Using planes

New project-based and indefinite offset planes; you can define them by entering an offset to the default planes.

Offset planes are useful for height settings of, for example, window sills or opening heights that repeat on each floor of the building.

You can define offset planes between the default planes by using the shortcut menu in Floor Manager.

You can change offset planes via a subpalette.

You can enter offset planes individually or so that they are linked across all stories.

A chain symbol indicates offset planes that exist in all stories.

Once defined, these planes exist with the same offset in all stories.

Components that are attached to offset planes can be copied to other stories. The copied components take this link with them, automatically assuming the height settings of the offset planes that are valid in the new story.

You can copy walls and openings in the following ways:

  • Using the clipboard
  • Using the building structure
  • Using the Copy between Documents tool
  • The default planes of the destination story replace the default planes of the initial story; the same applies to offset planes that are defined across stories.

Reference surface

You can extract a reference surface from a plane model.

You can change the name and format properties of a local reference surface in the Properties palette; NOI support.

Converted user-defined architectural elements

Based on their reference points, you can attach converted user-defined architectural elements to planes.

You can change converted user-defined architectural elements.

Converted user-defined architectural elements are faster.


Better formatting for attribute export in XLSX format

When you export attributes in XAC format, room numbers such as 1.02 might be interpreted as date formats.

XAC is a format that is separated by commas. The undesired formatting results come from Excel; this cannot be controlled by ALLPLAN.

Now, you can directly use the native Excel format XLSX.

More new features

You can add new attributes by using multiple selection.

You can see and edit attributes for smart symbols, SmartParts, 3D objects, and reference surfaces in the Properties palette.

You can assign new attributes to all selected components in the Properties palette: Click '+' Assign new attribute (next to Attributes) to open the Attribute Selection dialog box.

You can assign attributes to any 3D objects that have not any attributes yet.

You can use Transfer Attributes to transfer attributes from an 3D object to other 3D objects that have not any attributes yet.

ALLPLAN displays the IFC ID (like viewers such as Solibri).

In ALLPLAN 2019, the Unit attribute was linked with the Calculation mode attribute but not vice versa. ALLPLAN 2020 combines the Unit and Calculation mode attributes. 

3D modeling

Enhanced performance

New tool: copy along any path (3D curve)

  • Copying by defining the number
  • Copying by defining the offset
  • Copying by defining the number and offset
  • You can copy any 2D elements such as labels and 3D elements such as lines, surfaces, solids, components, converted user-defined architectural elements, SmartParts, PythonParts or smart symbols.
  • While copying components, ALLPLAN ignores the planes assigned, adjusting the height to the path. Absolute values remain valid. Use Restore 3D View to restore the original planes assigned.

Modeling tools are faster

Many modeling tools create general 3D objects by default. When you use polygonal elements as initial elements, ALLPLAN now creates polygonal 3D objects if this is possible. Only initial elements with curves result in general 3D objects (BREPs, NURBS).

  • This reduces the data volume; the tools are faster.
  • This applies to Extrude, Extrude Along Path, Loft, Sweep Path, Revolve and Boolean functions.


Panorama renderings and animations (spherical camera) for interactive and compelling visualizations

New option: Camera settingSpherical

You can choose between two spherical modes: Latitude, longitude and Cuboid (cross).

This requires a resolution of 2:1; the 4000x2000 (2:1) Panorama and 8000x4000 (2:1) HQ Panorama resolutions are predefined.

When you save the rendering (as a JPG), the program automatically adds the panorama metadata.

Created by the CINERENDER render engine

Settings will be exported to CINEMA 4D.

You can upload these images directly to social networks such as Facebook and view them interactively.

Similarly, you can create movies with From camera path, Sun study, Rotate camera by 360 degrees and Orbit camera by 360 degrees and use these movies in social networks.


  • You can use a resolution of up to 16,000 x 10,000 pixels.

New features for RealTime Renderer

Two-point perspective projection type to avoid converging lines. This is commonly used in architecture.

Spherical projection type for panoramas. The JPG file saved includes the metadata. Consequently, Facebook displays the image as a panorama without you having to do anything else.

Tone mapping supports high-dynamic range rendering. You can define this by using slider. Tone mapping maximizes the image contrast.

New filter for noise reduction, optimizing irradiance even before you start rendering.

New light type - sky light - for rendering perspective views of interiors.

White balance corrects the color temperature of natural light sources like sky and sunlight in rendered images. You can define this by using a slider; the possible settings range from reddish brown (warm) to blue (cold). The resulting image appears colder, natural or warmer.

The resolution is no longer linked to the viewport. You can now select any resolution in a range between dx = 100 and 16,000 and dy = 5 and 10.000 pixels.

Structural framing

Column, beam

Structural framing objects, structural framing column, structural framing beam

Two different anchor points are available for sloping beams: anchor point at start and anchor point at end; you can define different distances for each anchor point.

By means of check boxes in the palette, you can configure the program to create different anchor points.

Predefined layers are available for structural framing columns (SBS_ST) and structural framing beams (SBS_BALK).


General features

  • Matching properties; saving as favorites
  • Structural framing components as filter criteria in the element filter
  • Using reports for analyses

Modifying several objects in one go

  • You can change several objects in the same way as several converted user-defined architectural elements.
  • You can change the format properties (layer, pen, line, color) and (custom) surfaces of several selected elements in one go.
  • You can change sections of several structural framing objects.
  • You can change attributes such as material, trade and unit.

Views and sections

Small changes in views and sections, which make your daily work easier

You can use the Modify Section palette to change the soffit; all you need to do is select the Soffit check box.

Enhanced preview of clipping line

  • The preview of a section includes the following elements: section identifier, clipping line, direction and section object. This prevents you from placing a section with the wrong direction.

Matching the properties of a view

  • With the pipette in the Generate View3D View palette, you can match the eye point from the workspace, animation viewport or a defined view.
  • Thus, you can create a custom view instead of the predefined default views.

Copying clipping line

  • Whenever you place a copied clipping path, it gets a new identifier. You no longer have to rename it (already included in V2019-0-5).

You can find Create Section on the shortcut menu of the clipping path so that you can create sections more quickly.

More changes

Settings for views and sections in the Options

Changing several views and sections in one go

Open drawing file from filtered selection


Adjustments to US standards

We are continuously working to enhance the default settings in ALLPLAN, adjusting them to US standards.

  • The Options are preset to smooth and appropriate values: Reinforcement, Desktop environment, Crosshairs and so on.
  • Changes in various tools, such as “Custom Planes” and “Elevation Point”
  • PythonParts provide two different basic settings for the metric system and imperial units.
  • US-specific mark labels
  • New ACI legends; rounded off to ¼ inches; can be adjusted in the Options
  • US-specific stirrup shapes in accordance with ACI (American Concrete Institute)
  • US-specific scale ranges; can be entered as fractions
  • New Export aSa and Export Joule tools (on the flyout menu of the Interface to Bending Machine tool)

Reinforcement, reinforcement drawings (reinforcement detailing)

Localization for Europe

  • The new HRC coupling system is available for various countries; the catalog for Europe includes typical components; also for the US and Canada.
  • The British Standard is also available.

We enhanced length calculations for Brazil.


We updated the “ALLPLAN Bridge” plug-in.

Visual scripting

ALLPLAN 2019 includes the prototype of visual scripting for testing. We are continuously working to further develop visual scripting, which is coming with ALLPLAN 2020.

  • Visual scripting, which is an application within ALLPLAN, runs in its own window; ALLPLAN stays open in the background.
  • In ALLPLAN 2020, you can find Visual Scripting by default on the Actionbar in the User-Defined Objects task.
  • Visual scripting is a tool for graphically scripting (programming) certain objects.
  • The library contains predefined program codes (nodes) you use to create a script.
  • You place nodes in the workspace of the Visual Scripting window and connect these nodes at predefined docking places.
  • The script is open; so is the palette with the necessary parameters. You can change the parameters in the palette, directly in the node or by means of handles.
  • The model adapts immediately to the changes.
  • Finally, you save the script. The result is a PythonPart, which you can save in the library.
  • You can open scripts in the visual scripting window. If ALLPLAN cannot run a script, you get information on how to correct the script.
  • A Getting Started guide and some movies help you find your way around visual scripting. We are working on more guides.

The Properties palette opens when you double-click a finished object placed in the drawing file. In this palette, you can change the parameters of the object and save the object again.

The library comes with about 30 examples. To see these examples, click Open on the toolbar of the visual scripting window and select the Examples folder on the left side of the Open dialog box.

With Visual Scripting, you can not only define parametric objects but also optimize the workflow, for example, automate views and sections. You can find some examples in the library.