Hotfix Allplan 2019-0-3

Release Notes


We edited and corrected various messages of Quality Reporter. As a result, Allplan is now more reliable.

Basic Features

Work environment

Allplan no longer displays the note on the project angle when you select ‘Rotated Plan View’.

Drawing files and layouts

We enhanced the ‘Export Loaded Layout with Resources’ tool; you can now import the all the data exported, including reinforcement, views and sections, into a new project.

When copying section drawing files with linked drawing files using ProjectPilot, you can now cancel the copying process if the target drawing files already exist.

Data conversion

We enhanced conversion of smart symbol files (*.nmk) from the previous version.

Dimensioning, labeling

You can now apply the ‘Check Dimensions’ tool to reinforcement views too.

Layout Editor

When you clicked ‘Undo’ after having started Allplan, the labels disappeared from the title block in a layout created with ‘Set Up Page’. We solved this issue.
PFD files created with ‘Export PDF Data’ no longer include section objects.

The ‘Properties’ palette - ‘Document number’ entry again displays the drawing file number and name of the layout element selected in the layout.

User Interface

Actionbar Configurator

You can find the ‘Reset’ button on the ‘Configure’ tab too.


Allplan matches all attributes of opening elements you select in IBD wizards.


When you select ‘Shared properties’ in the list box of the ‘Properties’ palette, Allplan indicates the number of selected objects in brackets.

‘Objects’ palette

Allplan no longer changes the unit of rooms in the ‘Objects’ palette - ‘Sort by attribute’ category - ‘Unit’ attribute selection when you drag a room to the ‘meters’ unit.


Allplan Share

Local paths will be handled correctly when you install Allplan directly in a shared folder on the network.

Allplan Share, Workgroup Online

Drawing files with many linked drawing files open faster in shared projects.

AutoCAD interface

We enhanced DWG export of timber elements from the ‘Roof’ task area. When you use exchange favorite 6 to export timber elements, the plan view is now included in the data exported.

We enhanced import of patterns consisting of many lines.

Bimplus interface

We enhanced the ‘Upload Model to Bimplus’ tool; it now handles local coordinates correctly when a project offset is set.

We enhanced modification of attributes in conjunction with Bimplus property set definitions.

Bimplus correctly uploads and displays a roof covering changed in Allplan.

Bimplus exports the model completely even when a drawing file of the export list is locked.

You can upload the model manually to Bimplus even when a reference drawing file is opened by another Allplan user and the local data path is on the server.

When a user who is not authorized to edit the project selects the ‘Upload the current model again’ tool but a drawing file of a user with administrator privileges is locked, Allplan immediately shows the message indicating the user and the locked drawing file.

IFC interface

BaseQuantities of the following elements will be transferred: user-defined architectural elements, openings, windows, doors, railings and columns.

Allplan attributes without matching IFC attributes used to be assigned to the ‘Allplan Attributes’ PropertySet during IFC export. This PropertySet was renamed ‘AllplanAttributes’. The new name without spaces now complies with IFC specifications.

We enhanced IFC4 import of rectangular columns.

We enhanced IFC4 import of walls modeled using the ‘Constructive Solid Geometry’ (CSG) technique.

We enhanced IFC import of files created with ArchiCAD; the plane model now gets the correct factor.

We enhanced IFC export in various places.

The export unit is now set to ‘meters’ by default.

IFC export transfers net areas (NetArea) of slabs correctly.

Classification will be transferred in compliance with IFC.

IFC export transfers trades of multilayer finishing surfaces of rooms correctly.

IFC export transfers the IfcBuildingElementProxy as an IfcObjectType.

IFC4 export transfers the value of the ‘Area_type_floor_space’ Allplan attribute correctly. The value of this attribute does not change when you re-import the data to Allplan.

We enhanced IFC4 export of slabs delimited by circles, parts of circles or curves.

We increased the accuracy and enhanced the rounding routine of some BaseQuantities.

IFC4 export transfers the thickness of finish specifications as BaseQuantities with correct values.

In some cases, IFC4 export creates an IfcElementAssembly of multilayer components to be split. You can now prevent this using a registry key.

When you define a multilayer wall as an IfcBeam or IfcWall, IFC4 export now transfers the attributes of the overall wall instead of the attributes of the first wall layer.



We enhanced PythonParts in various places.



Allplan displays the ‘Height’ dialog box correctly when you change the height settings of architectural elements using the ‘Change Archit. Properties’ tool.

User-Defined Objects

Label styles analyze attributes of components correctly even when you change an attribute in the ‘Properties’ of a component.


Rooms whose top levels are attached to reference surfaces consider inclined or sloping walls and columns, which enhances quantity takeoff.

Allplan correctly calculates the heights of architectural objects attached to reference surfaces at a fixed offset.


We enhanced the ‘Properties’ palette for editing strip foundations.

You can now double-click all door openings without any problems.


We enhanced door labeling using a label style analyzing the superordinate room.

Finishing surfaces consider reference surfaces for height setup when you define finishing surfaces that take their height settings from the room and enter an offset at the bottom or at the top and bottom.

When you define smart window symbols with tilt-and-turn casements, the window casements now open in the correct direction.

When you use the ‘Change Archit. Properties’ tool to change the height settings of a room whose top level or bottom level is set relative to a plane, the finishing surfaces of the room remain unchanged.

Views and Sections

You can open and edit drawing files and layouts with resources faster.

The dialog box for selecting drawing files opens faster. Similarly, we sped up switching between building structure and fileset structure in large projects where many drawing files with views and sections and linked drawing files are loaded.

Allplan only loads linked reinforcement drawing files when you select an edit tool.

You can use the Clipboard to copy and paste a section including more clipping paths.

Allplan no longer changes the new position of the label created automatically when you modify views and sections.

When you copy a section to another drawing file using ProjectPilot and modify the height settings of this section, Allplan immediately updates the representation of objects moved in the z-direction.

You can edit the section object even if you have deactivated the ‘Display visible edges’ and ‘Display hidden edges’ options in the ‘Modify Section’ - ‘Formats’ palette.

Drawing files that include views and sections without labels and that were created using the building structure remain unchanged when you open and save another drawing file.

When the ‘Bend’ option is set to ‘Smooth’ in the ‘Representation in general’ area of the ‘Reinforcement - Representation’ options, Allplan also displays smooth reinforcement elements in the layout.

We enhanced expansion of bar shapes in existing outlines.

We enhanced the ‘Cut Mesh’ tool for diagonal placing regions in views and sections.

You can place linear fixtures and surface fixtures in views and sections even if the fixtures are not connected with 3D elements.

Reinforcement Views

When you use the ‘Label View’ tool to label an associative view, Allplan proposes the label in the dialog line again.


Bar Reinforcement

We enhanced the ‘Rearrange Marks’ tool.

We enhanced the ‘Copy and Mirror’ tool for reinforcing bars placed in polygon.

Using ‘New Mark Number’, you can edit a mark in a view or section again.

When analyzing bar reinforcement using a non-associative legend, you can filter by mark number after selecting the bar reinforcement.

When you create a placement in rotation using ‘Special Placements’ - ‘Place in Rotation’ and select a point mode, you can set the ‘Number of pieces’ to ‘-’ again without changing the representation of the placement.

Stirrups which get two hooks are visible in both the section and the model. You can also add the hooks using the ‘Properties’ palette.

After you have restarted Allplan, elements on hidden layers in drawing files open in edit mode could affect the values for ‘Layer depth’ and ‘Component thickness’ in ‘Enter Area Reinforcement’ - ‘Single Placement’. We solved this issue.

The height settings of reference drawing files do not change when you ‘Refresh’ the building structure.

We enhanced the ‘Copy’ tool for copying and pasting bars in views and sections.

We enhanced the ‘Collision Check’ tool for use with the new views and sections.

The label updates correctly when you modify a placing region using direct object modification.

The label and leader update correctly when you change the layer of a bar placement using the ‘Modify Format Properties’ tool.

We sped up direct object modification of reinforcement in projects with many linked drawing files.

Screw connections and couplers

We enhanced the Halfen HBS-05 system in various places. For example, we divided the couplers into two catalogs. After the update, open the ‘Prod’ - ‘Halfen HBS-05’ folder in the office standard and delete the ‘Screw connections’ folder.

We enhanced the Ancon TT and Dextra systems in various places.

We added content to and enhanced the Annahuette – SAS Systems system in various places.

Note: After you have installed this hotfix, the changes in these systems are not available yet. If you want to use the changed systems, you must download the full installation package of Allplan 2019-0-3 Release from Allplan Connect - Support - Downloads. When installing, you must select the ‘SAH’, ‘Ancon’, ‘Dextra’ and ‘Halfen HBS-05’ entries in ‘Manufacturer-specific office data’.

Mesh Reinforcement

The schema and schema text remain unchanged when you delete bent-up meshes using the DELETE key.

We enhanced the ‘Copy’ tool for copying and pasting meshes in sections.

You can use the ‘Stretch Entities’ tool again to edit a mesh created with the ‘Open stirrup’ bending shape in a section.

When you use the ‘Edit Text’ tool to modify labels of reinforcement, Allplan displays these labels correctly.

You can create mesh cutting diagrams and mesh reinforcement schedules from bent meshes created in views and sections.

Allplan Bridge

We updated the ‘Allplan Bridge’ plug-in.

Products, Manufacturers


We enhanced the connection to MEP; the height settings of smart MEP symbols now consider the thickness of finish specifications.


Surfaces, Light

The ‘Surroundings’ palette no longer includes the ‘Summer time’ setting in winter months.

Facility Management

Allfa Sync

When you synchronize a project with a project offset, Allfa Graphics considers this offset when displaying the background and room geometry.

Allplan International

Allplan reads the scale settings not only during startup but also when switching between projects. Therefore, you can select country-specific scale settings (for example, scales commonly used in the USA) in country-specific projects.

Russia, Romania

Allplan analyzes reinforcement in reports faster with the Russian SNIP standard and the Romanian STAS 10107/0-90 standard.


We enhanced texts in the Allplan Setup.