Integrity & Compliance
Human Rights Compliance – UK & Australian Modern Slavery Act Statements
Human rights protect the dignity of every human being. The worldwide protection of and respect for human rights therefore forms a fundamental part of our corporate culture and is the basis of our social responsibility both in our own corporate group and in our global supply and value chains.
Our codes of conduct (Code of Conduct & Supplier Code of Conduct) oblige both our employees and our partners to comply with generally applicable principles (including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact and the International Labour Organization - ILO).
With our declaration on the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 we disclose our risk-oriented approach to combating modern slavery and respecting fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
Under the following link >> Human Rights Compliance you can find Nemetschek Group’s statement to fulfill the UK Modern Slavery Act in relation to Section 54 of the Act.
Under the following link >> Australian Modern Slavery Act Statement you can find Nemetschek Group’s statement to fulfill the requirements of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Code of Conduct & Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners
In order to promote trusting and long-term business relationships, ALLPLAN is committed to transparent and legally compliant processing of all transactions. We expect our employees to treat each other and third parties fairly and respectfully. The same applies to suppliers and business partners. The most important principles and regulations are summarised in our >> Code of Conduct (CoC) and in our >> Code of Conduct for Suppliers & Business Partners (SCoC).